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The Power of Liam Livingston

No one more exciting to watch at the moment! Liam Livingston is absolutely crushing it in various teams and formats. But why/how does he hit such a long ball?

Here are our thoughts: - Great Base - Not too wide or narrow space between each feet. - Weight Transfer - At contact whips his back hip through and his momentum/ weight goes through the ball. - Head Position - Over the ball and still, even when using his feet. - Hand Speed - Wrists coming through the ball quickly.

So how can you hit it like him?: - Base - Find out what is the ideal stance for you, it will differ based on body shape. Then allow your weight/momentum to transfer through the ball. (Hitters in baseball do this extremely well!) - Focus on Strengths - Often people focus too much on their weaknesses, find out what you do well and build on that. - Range Hitting - It is a skill that needs to be practiced, get out the middle and see what works best for you!

@rajasthanroyals @lancashirecricket @birminghamphoenix @englandcricket #Gun #PowerHitting #OutThePark #RajastanRoyals #RangeHitting

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